Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Bullying: A Miserable Portrait of Culture

It's 02:08, I'm still awake and just realized as the end of the year approaches, I still have one thing to be told before 2012 comes. (Well it is just my target to tell you it in this year). It's BULLYING, an issue that nowadays has started being discussed in public as a serious problem. I used to be a bullied boy, so I take it as my duty to share what I got in my mind about this problem. In spreading the message of the "Against Bullying" campaign, I'd like to show my view through my essay I have written about this issue.

Bullying: A Miserable Portrait of Culture
By M. Rido Mantenna
hrough the personality development , a child will find some hard times or struggles of some threats that may happen in his/her daily life. One of some threats that commonly happens is the dangers of bullying. Consciously or not, for many years bullying has become a culture in our society. People in many countries see it as a common action that is usually done by growing children. The parents usually let their children bully others or being bullied without paying attention about the effects that will affect their children’s future because they see it as a common thing. Bullying is a serious problem that has to be taken care. It is a global issue that relates to children mentality development.

According to, bullying is explained as “an aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may be directed persistently towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability” The explanation shows us that bullying may happens because of the imbalance power between one child and others. The target is usually a person who has a deficiency or difference other than other children, while the bully is usually a person who has more power in a certain scope. According to too, bullying has three basic types of abuse. They are emotional, verbal, and physical. Bullying can occur in any context or place in which human beings interact with each other. It could be in house, school, or in the workplace. Bullying can also exist between social groups or social classes. The religion issue or race issue may become the factors that cause bullying. 

In most cases, Family takes a big role of how the “inside home education” creates such a behavior that always wants to dominate, or intimidate or even bully others. Children who have this behavior usually come from a “broken-home” family. They see their families’ pattern at home which indirectly teaches the bad behavior to the children. In some cases, children who like to bully others come from families which don’t give a good communication and attention to their children. They just see their kids go to school, do their things well, and that’s all. This factor causes the children to have a view that as long as they go to school and do what  their parents tell, so the rest are allowed to do. The children may not see bullying behavior as a wrong action because their parents never tell it specifically in their daily interactions. 

While the bully factors consists those two examples, it’s almost the same with the factors that cause a bullied child or a child which is targeted by some children to be bullied. Family also takes an important role in making the low self-esteem children. When they come from a “broken home” family, this type of children cannot accept how bad their parents treat them at home, and it makes them feel broken. They also get the effects with a different perspective than the children who have a tendency to rebel their hurt feelings by bullying others. This type of children tend to take it out or show their feelings by being quite persons in their societies, especially at school. And quite children could easily become a target for bullies. 

The other factor that causes self-esteem children is also parents who don’t spend much time with their children. This is the factor that most commonly happens to the targeted children. Their parents do not know what their children’s problems. Same as the bully factor, the parents only see them go to school, study at home, and do their school things without paying attention to what actually happens to their children at school. If bully children can express or show their anger by bullying others, targeted children can only accept those bad actions because they do not have the courage to fight back. That is very terrible and dangerous when children get so much pressure and they have no way to express and no one to share it. It can cause a psychological trauma which will affect their lives in the future. Parents should take one real action in order to save their children. They just cannot see it as a common thing that happens to growing children.

The same thing happens to teachers at school. As parents see this behavior as a common thing, teachers also take it as the same. They prefer to give more attention to students’ academic life, than giving more attention to take care students’ mentality periodic and well. If bullying happens, teachers usually give advices to the bully children not to do that anymore, but it never really works to them, and bullying still happens at school. The advices never give a real change to the bullying culture at school. Children psychologist, Kak Seto once said “Banyak pihak sekolah tidak peduli kasus bullying ini. Padahal dampaknya bagi anak sangat besar.” He also said “Korban Bullying biasanya mengalami trauma yang berkepanjangan. Hal itu sangat berdampak bagi kondisi psikologi dan kelangsungan pendidikan anak di masa depan.”  By reading his thought about bullying, we can be more understand and realize how terrible bullying affects the victims.

Talking about the effects of bullying, beside the trauma, and the self-esteem confidence, in some cases bullying have made children commit to suicide. There are so many cases that had happened in the real life as the worst effect of bullying. For example, in 2003 a teenager had committed to suicide because of the pressure of being bullied. Ryan Halligan committed suicide at the age of 13 because of bullying from his classmates at school. He also got a cyber bullying from his friends accusing him of being a gay child. Another case was happened in 1997. Kelly Yeomans, an English school girl who also committed suicide at the age of 13 because of the bad harassment she got from her friends at school.  Allegedly, the bullying accused her weight. In September 28th 1997, she was found dead in her bedroom after consuming an overdose of painkillers. 

Despite the cases of suicide because of bullying, there is one case of a child who dare to fight back his bullies and became a YouTube, even a media sensation because the bully video was uploaded to the video site. It is Casey Heynes, a 16 year old Australian boy who got bullied at school by his younger schoolmate named Ritchard Gale (12). Heynes’ father said that his son had been bullied for years without fighting back. An unnamed classmate said "People pick on him every single day. They hit him around and stuff, and he just got sick of it and let out the anger,"  Heynes had been bullied for years by his schoolmates until the video came up on the internet and shocked many people. The 43 seconds video shows how Heynes was being bullied by Gale first. He got punched in the face, and on his stomach, and suddenly he made his move by catching and slamming Gale. Heynes immediately opened people’s eyes by his video, and show the public how a bullied child must stand up for himself. He also become a hero for those who get bullied.  

Seeing this case as a global phenomenon when so many people give comments and support Heynes as a new hero for fighting the bully shows another fact that actually people outside there have the same thought about bullying. They show care and support him that what he has done to the bully is a right thing. 

People’s awareness to what happened to Heynes, makes us realize that bullying is really one of today’s most serious problems that exists in our society, especially for children. So what should adults do especially parents who take a main part as a children’s protector and as the one which has a biggest responsibility to children’s growth.  According to National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC), parents can play a certain role to stop bullying that happens to their children.
NCPC’s steps:
  • Teach kids to solve problems without using violence and praise them when they do.
  • Give children positive feedback when they behave well to help their build self-esteem. Help give them the self-confidence to stand up for what they believe in.
  • Ask your children about their day and listen to them talk about school, social events, their classmates, and any problems they have.
  • Take bullying seriously. Many kids are embarrassed to say they have been bullied. You may only have one chance to step in and help.
  • If you see any bullying, stop it right away, even if your child is the one doing the bullying.
  • Encourage your child to help others who need it.
  • Don't bully your children or bully others in front of them. Many times kids who are bullied at home react by bullying other kids. If your children see you hit, ridicule, or gossip about someone else, they are also more likely to do so themselves.
  • Support bully prevention programs in your child's school. If your school doesn't have one, consider starting one with other parents, teachers, and concerned adults.
With the actions/ steps that parents should do above, we must be aware and open our eyes to stop this violence and to realize that this is a serious problem. Parents, teachers and we should make a real action to this thing because it does really affect children’s future directly or indirectly. The old perception about this issue as a culture is totally wrong. Bullying is not a culture, this is something bad that can be prevented by us as parts of society. We can stop bullying, and save children.

I hope my essay can more open people's eyes and thoughts about this issue. I also hope that the essay can help other people out there who are suffered from bullying and still have no idea about what to do. Don't ever let people discourage you, stand up, speak up!

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

I Think I Just Ruined This Month

I thought this month would be as great as the previous year' December I have passed.
I thought the joy and the good feeling would still there until the end of the final exam.
I thought my feeling would be as stable as I go on through the last week of this last semester.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
I was wrong.

I never thought that this would be like this

It is the last two days of the final exam.
It is my time that (I think) I should be happy because holiday's coming.
It's almost over......and......the problems.
Yes they are now.
The misconception.
The misconception.
Ah misconception...hahahahaha

It's because my stupidity
It's because my foolishness
It's because my ignorance
Anything you like...

I think I just ruined this month.
I think I just ruined my 2011's December.
I think this is a big problem.
I think this is my tiring moment.

There's always "but" in every plural sentence.


I think God is still watching me...
And I think I can make it right through this situation.
Oh yeah don't be I said before...God is still watching..yes He's watching me.

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Sebuah Keputusan

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir kuliah di semester 3. Ga kerasa udah mau akhir semester lagi dan UAS siap menghadang dalam dua minggu ke depan. Ngomong-ngomong soal kuliah terakhir, tadi gue baru aja selesai tiga mata kuliah, dan mendapati satu mata kuliah yang rada bikin gue gelisah. Gelisah? Yap, karena berhubungan dengan target pencapaian akademik gue di semester ini. Ada target tertentu yang gue pribadi ngerasa sangat terobsesi dengan target ini. Semacam "pokoknya target itu harus gue capai semester ini. HARUS!" Gue punya target untuk dapet IP 3,5 semester ini.

Balik ke soal mata kuliah yang bikin galau. Ceritanya sang dosen ngasih bocoran nih tentang hasil nilai yang bakal keluar di akhir semester nanti. Dia bilang "setelah saya lihat hasil nilai pekerjaan kalian, saya akan umumkan nama-nama mahasiswa yang wajib ikut ujian, dan yang tidak usah ikut ujian" WHAT??! kinda weird isn't it? Ada kebijakan yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat mahasiswa yang ga usah ikut UAS karena nilainya udah cukup. Wow. Sumpah gue baru denger. And I have to admit that decision kinda sucks. Yop balik ke cerita. Ternyata selain kategori mahasiswa yang wajib atau tidak ikutan UAS, ada juga mahasiswa yang boleh pilih untuk ikut UAS atau enggak. Mahasiswa-mahasiswa ini adalah mereka yang udah dapet nilai B dan masih ada kesempatan untuk dapet nilai A, atau....................... "kesempatan" untuk dapet nilai di bawah B lewat UAS nanti. Alhamdulillah gue termasuk ke dalam kategori mahasiswa "pilih-pilih" -___- Terus terang gue belum ngerasa puas dengan nilai B, gue pengen A. Ya, gue pengen A. Jadi waktu dosennya nanya keputusan apa yang gue ambil, gue jawab "ujian bu" dengan perasaan gue sendiri yang belum seratus persen yakin kalo minimal gue harus bisa mempertahankan nilai B gue lewat ujian itu. Yang jadi fokus gue cuma pengen dapet hasil termaksimal sampe ujian akhir mata kuliah ini terutama untuk mengejar target yang gue bilang di awal.

Keputusan yang menggelisahkan. Ya, itu dia. Mungkin kalo gue ambil keputusan buat ga ikut UAS, nilai B itu ga akan ke mana dan jadi nilai akhir gue. Tapi dengan keputusan ini, nilai B itu udah ga jadi jaminan nilai akhir gue lagi. Satu hal yang menguatkan gue waktu ngambil keputusan adalah bahwa kemungkinan itu selalu ada. Kemungkinan kalo gue bisa memperbaiki/meningkatkan nilai B gue jadi A. Ngambil keputusan untuk ikut ujian akhir yang tadi itu bagai (gue mau rada berfilosofi ceritanya) seorang pengembara yang telah sampai di bukit luas penuh tambang emas. Ia ambil emasnya, dan setelah dirasa cukup untuk dijual, ia siap untuk kembali. Namun, tak disangka di seberang jurang ia melihat kelipan-kelipan indah yang berasal dari bukit seberang yang ditutupi oleh tumpukan berlian! Sang pengembara ingin mendapatkannya, namun untuk sampai ke seberang jurang ia harus melewati sebuah jembatan rapuh yang terbentang dari bukit satu ke bukit lainnya. Nah gue mau bilang kalo bukit yang penuh tambang emas itu nilai B gue, tumpukan berlian di bukit seberang itu nilai A, dan jembatan rapuhnya itu adalah UAS-nya!! Di mana gue ga begitu yakin bisa ngelewatinnya dengan baik. Kenapa rapuh? Karena sesuai dengan spirit gue sampe detik ini. Keyakinan gue rapuh untuk bisa mempertahankan nilai B. Tapi sekali lagi gue mau bilang, kemungkinan terbaik di depan sangat memotivasi gue, tapi bukan berarti yang terburuk ga gue persiapkan. So actually it doesn't really matter with the scores or whatsoever, I just feel like I have to do my best especially for this semester in order to prove to myself that I can do it better than the last semester.

Akhir kata, gue mohon doanya aja ya biar pas UAS nanti dimudahkan dalam menjawab soal-soalnya. Insya Allah the best is yet to come :)

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Balikpapan Trip!

Last week my family and I just flew to Borneo a.k.a Kalimantan island to visit Balikpapan. My dad had a training there for three days so we got an opportunity to follow him. Yeah at least we got a cheaper charge to rent a hotel room haha. Actually my dad had planned this trip for a long time in order to show us his workplace. He's been working for that company for 27 years and his two big sons still haven't seen his workplace! hahaha so it's kinda his ambitious project.

We went from Bandung in the midnight by bus to Jakarta. We're about to catch the 06.30 am flight from Soekarno-Hatta airport. The flight was nice and we landed at Sepinggan airport Balikpapan at 10.00 am. There is an hour difference between Jakarta and Balikpapan so when the clock shows 10.00 am in Balikpapan it means 09.00 am in Jakarta.

At Sepinggan airport Balikpapan

Shortly after landing in Balikpapan we immediately looked for food. And because we were in Balikpapan, so it's a must to eat seafood. I think eating seafood is one of the most important thing whenever you visit Balikpapan. Yaaaap... here's the dish!

Wohooo seafood! and once again our diet's bleak -_-

On the next day we visited my father's workplace. This is the main purpose of our visit to Balikpapan. My dad rented a car to take us to Samarinda. Actually it wasn't really Samarinda but we passed that city to get to the place my dad had mentioned called Sungai Meriam (I thought it's a name of a river. It's an area name btw). It took 3 hours to get to Sungai Meriam from Balikpapan, and when we arrived we still had to take a speedboat to take us to my dad's workplace because it is located in one of the Mahakam river's delta. Wow, now I know how far my dad seeks money for us. Salute him.

Mom, when she still could smile before the sailing

Ready to cross Mahakam river. Oh yeah never forget to take a pose first (hahahaha)

Busy giving instructions

Just get in bro!

Really really worry because she cannot swim. The smile had gone :)

Dad's workplace, taken from the speedboat

The workplace as the background

Tired of sailing. But not to be captured!

No, it's not Jack and Rose tale in Titanic

I guess the pictures tell the rest of the story. It was a really fun and memorable 3 days trip. I hope I can go back there again very soon someday, so see you next time Balikpapan!

Kamis, 17 November 2011


I find this picture really funny! Just got it from Deathby Doodle's Tumblr, and it's hilarious..

So, the blue and the yellow ranger just have a baby, and he has green color because of the mixing between yellow and blue! bhahahahaha! LOL! LOL!

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Ada Ternyataaaaa

The only picture I found from Unpad's official website of my first job as a protocol. Check it out!

see me? hehe

I'm 19 and I Got That Energy!

Ga tau kenapa semenjak semester 3 ini kalimat ini selalu ada di kepala. Yah mungkin semacam jargon penyemangat...

I'm 19 and I got that energy!

Mungkin intinya semacam ngasih semangat karena kita masih muda, dan kita punya energi untuk melakukan banyak hal. Kadang kalo lagi leyeh-leyeh, ga semangat ngapa-ngapain, galau sana galau sini, kalimat di atas pas banget jadi mood booster gue. So, do your things cause you're young and you got that energy!

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Penugasan Pertama

Dua hari yang lalu gue baru aja selesai ngejalanin penugasan pertama gue sebagai protokoler muda Unpad. Alhamdulillah penugasan pertama kita (protokoler muda) langsung dikasih kesempatan untuk jadi panitia penyelenggaraan wisuda. Overall semuanya berkesan banget, pasti lah namanya juga penugasan pertama, semua perasaan sama perjuangannya pasti dikasih label "berkesan". Untuk penugasan pertama, gue kebagian tugas selama dua hari yang terbagi jadi tiga sesi. Waktu awal dikasih tau dari KPM-nya sendiri, gue kira kita cuma wajib milih satu sesi doang, ternyata gue salah. Kita diwajibkan ngambil tiga sesi dari total lima sesi yang ada. Begitu tau, yang pertama kebayang satu sesi aja katanya cape banget, apalagi tiga! dan kita masih pada baru pula. Akhirnya gue pilih sesi 1,2,3 berhubung absen kuliah gue di hari ketiga sesi itu masih dalam zona "aman". Sip, langsung ke cerita pengalamannya ya..

Hari Pertama
Hari pertama, kita diwajibkan kumpul jam lima subuh buat persiapan matang dll. Untuk dua sesi hari itu gue kebagian tugas jadi barikade. Tugasnya membuka jalan dan mengawal iring-iringan rektor beserta jajarannya waktu masuk aula. Tugasnya ga cuma itu aja. Berhubung tim barikade tugas intinya "hanya" membuka jalan dan mengawal, sebelum dan sesudah prosesi kita diwajibkan untuk jadi koper boy dulu. Koper boy? yap! sebelum prosesi kita harus nunggu dan ngejemput para guru besar yang baru dateng. Tujuannya buat ngasih pelayanan gitu. Yak pelayanan jasa angkat koper -_- karena mereka masing-masing bawa koper yang isinya baju dan atribut kelengkapan untuk prosesi wisuda. Berhubung ini penugasan pertama, gue agak grogi waktu nungguin. Takutnya salah orang atau pelayanannya kurang sopan, dsb. Tapi syukur, gue ga salah orang, dan beberapa guru besar dan professor yang gue anterin ke ruang ganti semuanya pada baik, ramah, murah senyum, dan segala sifat baik lainnya. Bukan macam dosen-dosen muda yang kadang belaga sok pinter dan sok perfeksionis.

Setelah kurang lebih setengah jam sampe 45 menit kita nunggu kedatangan guru besar, jam setengah sembilan kita harus udah ngumpul di aula Graha Sanusi (Granus) buat persiapan barikade pembuka. Kirain sampe di Granus langsung bikin barisan aja. Ternyata masih harus ngebantu-bantu dulu bagian aula untuk nunjukin tempat duduk para tamu undangan. Di situ juga gue agak deg-degan karena harus langsung berhadapan sama orangtua wisudawan buat nunjukin tempat duduk mereka. Tugasnya sih gampang nunjukin doang, tapi yang bikin deg-degan adalah orang tua yang suka komplain, dan kita dituntut professional sebagai panitia acara. Ga boleh ngeles, atau kepancing emosi, dan harus lebih lapang dada kalo dapet komplain ga enak. Komplain mereka biasanya seputar penempatan tempat duduk. Terlalu gelap lah, terlalu jauh lah, dll. Gue juga sempet dikomplain karena ada sepasang orang tua yang dapet tempat di sektor 2B. Sektor yang tempatnya di atas, dan lampu ga nyorot ke situ, jadi lumayan gelap. Untung tapi mereka ga komplain keras, cuma sekedar menggerutu kecil doang. Beres itu kita anggota barikade siap di lobby Granus bikin barisan. Begitu aba-aba, kita masuk aula granus yang udah gelap dan cuma ada lampu sorot ke arah barikade dan rektor cs. Berasa keren gitu gue diliatin orang satu aula hahahahahaha (enaknya jadi barikade itu di situ). Setelah rombongan rektor cs naik ke atas panggung, barikade keluar dari aula, dan tugas inti pun selesai sampe nanti kita siap untuk barikade penutup. Terus ngapain?? kita langsung gabung sama protokoler lain di aula Granus ngebantu menjaga kekondusifan acara sampe selesai. Beres acara, anggota barikade bertugas melayani guru besar lagi. Yak, sama seperti sebelumnya.....ngangkat koper lageeeeeeeeee sekaligus nganterin beliau ke mobilnya. Harus sampe mobilnya, ga bisa engga (gitu kata senior).

Beres semua tugas, semua anggota KPM ngumpul di ruang rapat pleno buat evaluasi acara. Setelah evaluasi, jam setengah dua kita mulai nyebar lagi ke tiap-tiap elemen penugasan untuk sesi kedua. Kebetulan gue kebagian barikade lagi. Bisa dibilang barikade itu cinta pertama gue di penugasan (beuuuhh). Soalnya tugas intinya ga begitu berat tapi diliat banyak orang hohoho. Di sesi kedua hampir sama sih kayak sesi pertama..karena tugasnya juga sama. Jadi ga banyak hambatan yang berarti.

Hari Kedua
Sama kayak kemarennya, kita dateng subuh, dan langsung siap-siap. Bedanya, hari kedua gue di-plot jadi petugas di RSGB (ruang senat guru besar). Tugasnya ngebantu para guru besar ganti baju dan masangin atribut kelengkapan prosesi. Jadi kita enam orang, lima promud dan satu koordinator udah stay di RSGB dari jam 7. Guru besar pertama yang dateng masih ditanganin sama koordinatornya, berhubung kita kan masih junior nih jadi butuh contoh dulu sebelum bisa ngejalanin tugas. Selanjutnya, kita udah ngerasa siap lah buat masangin toga dll. Satu hal yang lumayan ribet adalah kalo kita kebagian masangin kalung prosesi yang terbuat dari logam. Selain harus hati-hati megangnya, itu kalung juga harus dipasangin peniti biar ga gerak-gerak atau jatuh, dan ada beberapa guru besar yang takut ketusuk sama peniti. Pas gue yang amatir ini coba masangin peniti, si professornya mungkin semacam panik.."awas ya de, awas nusuk, awas ya" hahahaha! kalem prof, sim kuring ge make rarasaan atuh. Setelah semua beres, dan semua guru besar udah masuk aula, di sini enaknya jadi petugas RSGB. Kita ga ikut bantu-bantu di aula acara, tapi nunggu aja di ruang ganti guru besar sampe acara beres. Jadi ga begitu cape. Enaknya jadi petugas RSGB juga kita jadi bisa kenal sama para petinggi universitas karena kadang sambil gantiin baju, kita suka terlibat percakapan2 ringan sama mereka. Hari kedua ga begitu cape sih karena gue cuma ikut satu sesi dan pulangnya ga malem kayak hari sebelumnya. Hari kedua ini juga gue dapet pengalaman baru lagi karena pertama kali jadi petugas RSGB dan bisa ngerasain tugasnya kayak gimana.

Nah dari dua hari penugasan, gue cuma bisa bilang LUAR BIASA. Pengalaman-pengalaman yang gue dapet dari penugasan pertama kemarin itu terus terang berkesan banget. Entah mungkin gue terlalu berlebihan juga karena masih "first time syndrome", tapi yang jelas semua rasa cape, dateng subuh pulang malem, berdiri lebih dari dua jam, komplain para tamu, dll semuanya terbayar sama pengalaman-pengalaman berharga yang mungkin ga bisa gue dapet di kesempatan lain. Ekspektasi awal tentang tugas tiga sesi yang katanya cape banget itu juga ternyata ga ada apa-apanya dibanding setumpuk hal baru yang gue dapet. Alhamdulillah, gue bersyukur banget.

Satu hal nih yang masih ganjel dari pengalaman gue yang satu ini adalah ga ada gambar dokumentasi apa pun dari semua momen yang gue alamin!! berhubung kalo lagi penugasan itu kita dilarang bawa hape T_T But overall those experiences are still the most important thing ya!

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011


Pagi tadi gue baru aja liat pengumuman hasil seleksi masuk KPM (Korps Protokoler Mahasiswa) yang rangkaian seleksinya udah beres sekitar dua minggu yang lalu dan lumayan ketat juga. Hasilnya...............gue KETERIMA!! YEAAH! udah dag dig dug aja pas buka internet. Awalnya temen sekelompok pas seleksi waktu itu sms "kak, KPM udh ada pengumuman lulusnya ya? bla bla bla" bacanya langsung surprise karena beberapa hari yang lalu gue udah cek website KPM dan pengumumannya masih belum keluar. Langsung lah gue menuju komputer di ruang tengah, turned it on and checked the website. Setelah gue baca, liat nama-nama, alhamdulillah di situ ada nama gue. Alhamdulillah juga ada nama-nama temen sekelompok gue. Ga sia-sia perjuangan selama seleksi kemaren. Mulai dari dengerin pembekalan materi sehari semalem suntuk, sampe dimarah-marahin senior. Sekarang gue udah resmi jadi protokoler muda Universitas Padjadjaran hohohohoho *idung semacam kembang kempis*

Jadi, rangkaian seleksi masuk KPM itu dibagi jadi tiga tahap. Tahap pertama itu seleksi administrasi. Di tahap ini kita cuma diseleksi berdasarkan biodata dan riwayat hidup singkat yang diisi di formulir pendaftaran. Kayaknya di tahap ini semuanya lulus (kayaknya lho ya), jadi semacam tahap pemanasan aja buat para calon protokoler muda yang daftar ikut seleksi.

Tahap kedua adalah seleksi wawancara. Di tahap ini kita banyak dicehcar dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar motivasi diri, keorganisasian, pendapat tentang isu sosial, dan pengetahuan seputar universitas. Sebenernya buat gue kalo pertanyaannya seputar pendapat pribadi, atau hal-hal yang serba relatif masih bisa di-handle lah (gaya), tapi begitu pertanyaan seputar pengetahuan umum universitas rada-rada jongklok nih skillnya. Misal nama dekan fakultas sastra aja gue ga tau, plus nama panjang rektor universitas juga gue lupa! PARAH! tapi beruntungnya gue lolos seleksi wawancara. Alhamdulillaaaaaaahhh.

Tahap ketiga. Nah tahap ini nih yang menurut gue pribadi tahap paling berat sekaligus lumayan asik. Di tahap terakhir ini banyak banget tesnya, dan pake acara nginep-nginepan segala. Semacam supercamp lah. Panitianya nyebutnya diklat. Tahap ini dilakukan tanggal 1 & 2 Oktober kemarin. Pertamanya kita disuruh kumpul di kampus DU jam 6 pagi buat dengerin pembekalan materi. Pembekalan materi di DU itu mulai dari jam 7 pagi sampe jam 5 sore! kepotong solat sama makan siang doang. Habis itu kita pergi ke Ciburial (daerah Dago atas) buat acara selanjutnya. Nyampe magrhrib, makan malem, terus pembekalan materi lagi sampe jam 11 -___- body udah kayak ga bertulang gitu saking pegelnya duduk dan merhatiin terus. Akhirnya kita tidur jam 11, dan...........jam 2 udah dibangunin lagi -_- buat jurit malam. Biasa lah yang namanya jurit malam itu  jalan post to post, dimarahin, dicaci maki, terakhirnya api unggun. Beres jurit malam, paginya setelah sarapan kita ada tes-tes lagi. Tes (semacam) pola pikir & pendapat sama tes nge-MC formal & informal. Lumayan tuh tes nge-mc formal gue jadi tau suara nge-bass gue kayak gimana, seberat apa, sejantan apa hehehehehe. Beres itu, udah sore kan tuh, kirain udah beres, ternyata BELOOOM! masih ada tes yang terakhir. Tes tertulis. Ah Tuhan badannya udah lengket gini, udah lemes pula, masih harus mikir ternyata. Oke, kita jabanin juga itu tes terakhir. Tes di mana kita diuji pengetahuan kita tentang sejarah Unpad, sejarah KPM, pengetahuan universitas, dan sejauh mana kita memahami materi-materi yang udah dikasih.

Setelah tes tulis terakhir itu, rangkaian seleksi masuk KPM pun resmi berakhir dan ditutup. Kita pulang lagi ke Bandung, maghrib tanggal 2 Oktober. Perasaannya campur aduk antara seneng akhirnya bisa pulang lagi dan sedih karena pengalaman berharganya udahan. Tapi gue mah lebih gede rasa senengnya sih hahaha! Akhirnya, perjuangan masuk KPM pun selesai, dan gue udah dapet hasilnya hari ini. Alhamdulillah, praise the One who owns our lives. Semoga dengan keterimanya gue di KPM bisa menjadi gerbang keberhasilan gue di masa depan. Amin.

Check the photos!!
Kami kelompok 10, kelompok matahari!! widiiiiihh

Bareng pembimbing kelompok 10, teh Ayu (the girl with scarf)

Pagi tanggal 2, sebelum sarapan. (Kiri-kanan: Jaya, Rido, Rifka, Ines, Asti, Taufiq, Pipit, Rere, Putri, Alif, Fizhan.)

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Temu Nasional & Seminar Spektakuler EA 2011 (Meeting Ippho!)

     Heyho bloggers! Last week I just joined people in a huge seminar. It's "Seminar Spektakuler" such a seminar for those who are already began their business or just a step to start their business. There were six speakers in that event. They're Rangga Umara (owner Pecel Lele Lela), Arief Muhammad (admin @poconggg), Reza Nurhilman (owner Maicih), Donny Baskara (social media expert), Denni Delyandri (owner Villa kek pisang), and Ippho Santosa (entrepreneur, writer of "7 Keajaiban Rezeki" & motivator). Above the theme of the event, the speakers, or the need to learn more about the entrepreneur world, one thing that interested me most was the presence of Ippho Santosa. He is the figure who's inspired me for the last months by his latest motivation book "7 Keajaiban Rezeki" (highly recommended book!).

     The seminar was held for 7 hours, and Ippho was set to appear at the last section -_- (I think that's the EO's strategy to detain people not to leave earlier). After the 5 speakers had done their materials, finally the part I'd waitin for! Ippho! As I thought before, Ippho's words were so moving and powerful. He shared his thought about gaining money and reaching success in Islam way. He did motivate us too. For real, listening to Ippho gave me a powerful spirit of movement. I guess those who also came to that seminar got that moving spirit too. The material he gave might be simple, but it was well delivered and successfully inspired the people in the hall. Thumbs up for him! Thumbs up for that day!

Ippho has poisoned me with his "7 Keajaiban Rezeki"

Kamis, 29 September 2011

The Busy Week is Almost Done

Satu  minggu yang sibuk ini hampir bisa dilalui dengan (menurut saya) sempurna. Ngejar deadline-deadline tugas yang padet, sampe ngurus berbagai hal buat diklat KPM yang lumayan banyak dan ngabisin banyak energi juga.  Sebenernya minggu yang padet ini belum selesai, karena sabtu minggu masih ada supercamp/diklat KPM, but at least seenggaknya urusan kuliah, tugas, dsb udah beres semua. Bisa tarik nafas sejenak laaaahh..Ceritanya mau masuk KPM nih B) Mohon doanya! semoga diberi kelancaran acaranya dan keterima KPMnya. Supercamp plus keterima enggaknya nanti diceritain! Sip (y)!

Kamis, 22 September 2011

Wohoo! After Years..Finally..

Last Ramadhan I went to Istana Plaza (IP) for such a "personal refreshing time" (I often do that btw). As usual I looked up around, visited Gramedia, bought some foods, flirted some chicks (eh?), and of course discovered toy stores! It's MULTI toy and game store. Unlike Kidz Station or Toys "R" Us, this store has many rare items. I guess this store provides toys and other items specifically for collectors. I always take a look to this toy store whenever I go to IP, and this time I FOUND ACTION FIGURES THAT I'VE BEEN LOOKIN FOR YEARS! yeah after years..finally! I found the action figures of the 1993 tv series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! The most impressive things for me about the figure are the detail and the color of it which is very precisely with what we see on the series. There were just red and green rangers on the rack.
Sooo..without hesitation I bought both of them. It was such a big pleasure for me in the middle of my fasting day. Wohoo!

Here are some "crazy" photoshoot of them:


Interested with Multi toy store? Visit its website ->  MULTI Toys-Games-Hobbies

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Yang Berharga Dari Perjalanan Pulang Kemarin

Minggu malem kemarin setelah 4 hari 3 malem nginep di rumahnya Luqman di Jakarta gue baru aja pulang. Liburan ceritanya bareng temen-temen. Kita dapet kereta dengan keberangkatan jam 19.12, dan kebetulan dapetnya yang tanpa tempat duduk! karena pas kita beli semua tiket kelas bisnis dengan tempat duduk udah abis. Ini pengalaman pertama gue naik kereta tapi ga dapet tempat duduk. Dipikir-pikir ya itung-itung pengalaman baru lah. Perjalanan kereta malem ala anak rantau :) Alhasil kita harus rela nyari-nyari spot "nganggur" buat didudukin atau seenggaknya buat nempatin badan. Untung si Rendy tau biasanya gerbong makanan jadi tempat "nyantol" orang-orang bertiket "tanpa tempat duduk". Jadi gue, Rendy sama Roby kusek-kusek nyari tempat duduk di situ, barangkali aja dapet. Terus terang awalnya di bayangan gue tiket "tanpa tempat duduk" itu berarti kita berdiri di batas/pemisah antar gerbong. Ngeri banget kan. Tapi untung lah ternyata ga seburuk itu. Kita dapet tempat duduk di salah satu ruangan kecil di gerbong makanan. Di ruangannya ada dua kursi panjang yang saling berhadapan, mungkin cukup buat didudukin lima orang dewasa di masing-masing kursi.

Kita masuk ruangan, nyimpen tas, terus duduk. Setelah duduk baru gue mulai mengamati seisi ruangan. Di sana ada sepasang kakek nenek sama dua orang cucunya yg masih kecil-kecil, terus ada juga pasangan muda suami istri. Istrinya sedang hamil kecil, keliatan dari cara duduk dan perutnya yang membuncit kecil. Sisanya ya kita bertiga, pemuda-pemuda Bandung bau keringet. Diliat sepintas kayaknya udah cocok aja tuh situasi di dalem ruangan dijadiin adegan dalam film. Semua tingkat usia ada di dalemnya! tinggal dibikinin script dengan komplikasi tokoh masing-masing aja hahaha. Yak itu salah satu hal yang ngebuat gue heran sekaligus kagum sama situasi di dalem ruangan kecil di gerbong makanan itu. Kejadiannya bener-bener kebetulan dan gak biasa buat gue. Kita semua beda usia ketemu di ruangan kecil yg panas di gerbong kereta. Gue ngerasa kejadian ini kayak ada di dalem novel atau film, di mana tokohnya macem-macem usia dan latar belakangnya, ketemu dalam satu adegan. Hehe it may sounds 'lebay' but truly I was so amazed by the situation.

Gak lama duduk, gue tanya nenek yang duduk di sebelah
"cucu bu?"
"iya.." kata si nenek sambil senyum
"habis main juga ya bu dari Jakarta?" gue tanya lagi
"iya, habis arisan keluarga di Sentul."
"ooh.. ibu di Bandungnya di mana?"
"di Kiaracondong de"
"ngomong-ngomong kok ibu bisa dapet tiket yg 'tanpa tempat duduk' juga?"
"iya, kemarin pas mau beli yang bisnis ternyata udah habis semua. Ya udah di sini aja." Katanya ramah.

Percakapan berlanjut, gue tanya-tanya sedikit tentang si nenek sama keluarganya sampe dua cucunya ngantuk mau pada tidur. Dari ngobrol tadi, gue jadi tau kalo ternyata mereka kakak adik. Si kakak tidur di bawah pake alas koran. Kalo adenya tidur di kursi panjang. Gue agak kasian sama adenya. Dari awal gue masuk ruangan kayaknya dia murung gitu, beda sama kakaknya yang ceria + banyak omong. Kayaknya dia bad mood karena ruangannya gak nyaman, pengap, dan panas bgt. Dia emang jauh lebih berkeringat dibanding kakaknya. Udah keringetan gitu tidurnya di kursi yang bahannya oscar. Mana enak! kasian kan. Itu juga salah satu pelajaran yang gue dapet dari perjalanan kemarin. Yak, kita harus mau "sakit-sakitan" demi tujuan tercapai. Kayak contohnya aja si kakek sama nenek yang harus rela bawa cucu-cucunya gerah gerahan di kereta demi bisa pulang ke Bandung.

Di dalem kereta gue bener-bener belajar tentang perjuangan. Gimana si nenek akhirnya harus ikut duduk di bawah karena si kakak merengek "tidurnya ga enak". Bisa dibayangin gimana perasaan si nenek denger cucunya bilang gitu, mungkin dia juga ga tega liat dua orang cucunya harus susah payah ikut perjalanan malem Jakarta-Bandung di ruangan yang ga selayaknya buat anak-anak. Ruangan pengap dan panas banget, tapi ya mau gimana lagi.

Si nenek udah keliatan ngantuk banget. Sekali-kali matanya merem, terus melek lagi. Waktu dia udah agak lama merem, dia harus bangun lagi karena kaget denger suara pecahan kaca. Yak di perjalanan gue kemarin terjadi beberapa kali pelemparan batu ke arah kereta oleh orang yang ga bertanggung jawab. Gue tambah kasian aja liatnya. Mungkin si nenek udah ngantuk banget, tapi dia juga ada tanggung jawab buat ngejagain cucunya.

Dengan segala hormat, buat orang-orang yang ada dalem foto & video, gue minta izin publish ya

Suasana di ruangan
videonya gelap ya -__- 

Mumpung lagi tidur, gue curi curi foto. Punten nya bu

 NGEKSIS DIKIT. RENDY, ROBY, (yah siapa lagi) hehe :)

Intinya, perjalanan pulang kemarin bener-bener berkesan buat gue. Banyak pengalaman baru yang gue dapet. Mulai dari naik kereta tanpa tempat duduk, kenalan sama orang-orang baru, sampe dapet pelajaran dari kejadian yang terjadi di depan mata.

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

SCRE4M (Review Pribadi)

Ya, dua hari yang lalu saya baru aja nonton film "SCRE4M" dan itu film bener-bener KEREN!! ceritanya emang dari dulu udah terobsesi sama film-film Scream, jadi seri ke-empat ini jadi tontonan wajib awal bulan Juni ini. Triloginya yang berakhir (ternyata cuma sementara) di tahun 2000, udah bikin kesan tersendiri di hati para fansnya. Jadi ga heran setelah sebelas tahun franchise ini menghilang dari kancah perfilman Hollywood, para penikmat film nunggu-nunggu bgt kisah dari seri keempatnya. Saking berkesannya film, sampe niat buat bikin review sendiri nih. Sip, langsung ke review, cekidot!

(Sinopsis dulu nih)
Secara singkat, tokoh utama dari film ini Sidney Presscot (Neve Campbell) sekarang menjadi penulis buku. Isi bukunya tentang pengalaman masa lalunya yang berkali-kali menjadi sasaran pembunuh sadis di Woodsboro satu dekade yang lalu (entah itu berbentuk biografi atau apapun ya). Dalam rangkaian tur promosi bukunya, Sidney akhirnya sampai di kampung halamannya Woodsboro, sebuah kota kecil yang tak lain adalah tempat asli dari kejadian pembunuhan berantai yang ia tulis di bukunya. Di sana Sidney kembali bertemu dengan dua orang teman lamanya Dewey (David Arquette) dan Gale (Courteney Cox). Kembalinya Sidney ke Woodsboro membangkitkan kembali teror pembunuh berantai yang sempat hilang selama satu dekade terakhir.

Film dibuka dengan potongan-potongan film STAB yg dikisahkan dalam seri film Scream adalah film adaptasi kisah nyata hidup Sidney Prescott yang menjadi sasaran utama pembunuh berantai. Disadari atau tidak, di awal film banyak terdapat dialog-dialog yang secara eksplisit seolah mengumumkan kembalinya kedigdayaan franchise Scream ke ranah perfilman horror. Itu bisa dilihat dari dialog para tokohnya saat menyindir film-film horror zaman sekarang, seperti SAW, dan film-film horror adaptasi Asia. Khusus untuk SAW, dalam salah satu dialog pembuka film horror slasher ini disindir dengan cukup pedas. Seperti disebutkan bahwa film SAW tidak memiliki alur cerita yang baik, atau tidak adanya pengembangan tokoh di setiap filmnya, hanya menjual darah dan kesadisan. Dialog-dialog tersebut seolah mengatakan bahwa film Scream yang keempat ini menawarkan sesuatu yang berbeda dari film-film horror zaman sekarang. Jika kita mengikuti seri film Scream dari film pertama, maka dialog-dialog tersebut akan sangat mudah dicerna karena banyak terdapat juga unsur flashback bagi para fans setianya.

Beberapa adegan atau kejadian khas ala Scream memang tetap ditampilkan, seperti film dibuka dengan pembunuhan, lalu teror telepon (yang ini sepertinya memang tak bisa dihilangkan), lalu tiga tokoh utama (Sydney, Dewey, dan Gale) yang meski berkali-kali diserang namun tidak mati, adegan di mana jika seseorang sendiri di rumah maka tidak lama lagi akan menerima telepon, diserang dan mati, juga monolog (lumayan panjang) si pembunuh di klimaks cerita sesaat setelah membongkar kedoknya. Kesemuanya ditampilkan kembali. Bagi para fans Scream, maka sudah tak asing lagi jika melihat beberapa adegan yang familiar ala Scream tersebut. Mungkin ini dilakukan sebagai bagian dari usaha untuk menjaga ciri khas filmnya sendiri.

Tak bisa dipungkiri, film ini menjadi semacam nostalgia bagi para penggemar film horror maupun fans setianya. Seandainya cerita dibuat semurahan mungkin tanpa pengembangan tokoh dan hanya memunculkan si pembunuh dengan topeng khasnya, kemungkinan besar hal tersebut masih bisa "dimaafkan" karena ini momen comeback dan banyak orang suka dengan momen-momen seperti ini. Namun sutradara Wes Craven tidak membiarkan franchise filmnya menjadi bahan jualan semata. Terlihat dari segi pengembangan tokoh yang menunjukkan progress, tensi ketegangan yang naik turun sepanjang alur cerita, hingga ending film yang terasa lebih dramatis dan tak terduga dibanding tiga film sebelumnya. Dalam film ini juga terdapat beberapa tokoh yang dirasa "dipasang" untuk mengecoh penonton dari si pembunuh yang sebenarnya. Sehingga kita terkadang menebak-nebak siapa dalang dari serangkaian pembunuhan tersebut, namun di akhir cerita semua ekspektasi kita akan hancur seiring dengan terbongkarnya kedok sang pembunuh. Never try to guess, the ending is really unexpected!

Sebagai fans film Scream, saya memang terkesima dan sangat terhibur dengan installment keempatnya ini. Namun harus diakui film ini pun memiliki kelemahan. Beberapa kelemahan yang tampak jelas bagi saya di antaranya, saat beberapa tokoh "pengecoh" ditampilkan. Memang tokoh pengecoh tersebut cukup ampuh dalam menambah rasa cerita, namun dalam scene-scene tertentu, adegannya terasa sangat dipaksakan, seperti adegan muncul dari balik kegelapan sembari berbicara dengan tatapan dingin, atau datang secara tiba-tiba setelah si pembunuh menghilang. Sepertinya penonton sudah bosan dengan hal-hal seperti itu. Kelemahan juga terlihat di ending cerita. Motif si pembunuh untuk melakukan pembunuhan berantai hanya karena menginginkan popularitas semata terasa sangat dibuat-buat, apalagi pelakunya masih sangat muda (murid SMA) rasanya tidak akan seberani itu untuk melakukan serangkaian aksi pembunuhan sadis hingga rela menyakiti diri sendiri agar dikira sebagai korban. Selanjutnya kelemahan nampak saat cerita diakhiri dengan label "happy ending" (secara pribadi memang saya menginginkan seperti itu) karena Sidney ternyata masih hidup dan tetap menjadi "jagoannya", namun secara nalar hal tersebut agak konyol. Bagaimana mungkin Sidney yang sudah ditusuk berkali-kali dengan kekuatan tusukan yang sama pada korban lain yang mati masih bisa bertahan hidup?? di sini terlihat ego Carven sebagai si empunya film untuk tetap menonjolkan karakter Sidney meskipun agak dipaksakan. Sehingga tagline "New Decade, New Rules" seolah terpampang tanpa arti setelah menyaksikan filmnya, karena toh sebagian besar cara dalam menuturkan ceritanya masih menggunakan formula yg sama.  Namun terlepas dari poin plus dan minusnya, fans setia film Scream (salah satunya saya huehe) sudah barang tentu sangat senang dengan kembalinya film horror favorit mereka.

Akhir kata, yang baca boleh setuju atau enggak dengan review ini, yang jelas untuk lebih detailnya tonton aja sendiri filmnya. Highly recommended! B)   SCRE4M Trailer

Picture and trailer by Google & Youtube. 

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Power Rangers Follow Me!

It happened today. It's 04.30 am, when I woke up, checked my Blackberry, and I found out this unbelievable and unpredictable thing.....(check the picture) huehehe.

WOHOOOOOO...!! so the official Power Rangers Twitter page, had requested to follow my twitter. wew! (maybe for some people it sounds childish) but this is really cool! hahhahaha! seriously I still cannot believe (sounds hyperbole) I don't know what's the reason to finally decided to follow me. Just want to share it btw! hohohoh

it's become ma follower B)

In honoring it, it's my pleasure to share the link of Power Rangers' Twitter page. So, just follow!

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Tinju, Olah Raga Beresiko Tinggi

  Ini repost dari yg sedikit ngebahas tentang resiko olahraga tinju.

Tinju, Olah Raga Beresiko Tinggi
Oleh: Micky Jo

  Hampir semua cabang olah raga memiliki resiko cedera yang tinggi, namun olahraga yang langsung kontak dengan tubuh atau menjadikan anggota tubuh sebagai sasaran untuk meraih kemenangan merupakan olah raga yang menyerempet pada cacat seumur hidup bahkan kematian.
  Salah satu olah raga keras beresiko tinggi yaitu tinju. Olahraga yang banyak digemari oleh para wanita karena mempertontonkan otot - otot dan kejantanan seorang lelaki...wooooowww... Saya juga suka tuh, apalagi petinjunya macho seperti Mike tyson atau holyfield..hi..hi... Namun dibalik semua ketenaran dan kekekaran otot - ototnya tersebut sudah berapa banyak para petinju yang harus mengakhiri masa - masa jayanya karena cidera. Begitu banyak pukulan kebagian wajah dan kepala membuat para petinju tersebut dihari - hari menggantung sarung tinjunya ternyata harus menjalani perawatan karena menderita penyakit. Sebut saja petinju legendaries Muhammad Ali yang menderita penyakit Parkinson.
  Salah satu petinju  yang kehilangan nyawanya setelah memenangkan pertandingan adalah Choi Yo-sam petinju profesional asal Korea. Dironde ke-12, Choi terkena pukulan staright kanan lawan dirahangnya. Akibat pukulan tersebut Choi pun ambruk dan pingsan. Setelah mengalami perawatan selama seminggu, Choi akhirnya menghembuskan nafas terakhir. Walaupun telah tiada namun Choi tetap ingin berbuat kebajikan dengan cara mendonorkan lever, ginjal dan kornea untuk enam orang yang membutuhkan. Selamat jalan bung CHOI...
  Dunia olah raga tinju memang keras, walaupun sudah menggunakan perlindungan dibeberapa bagian tubuh yang vital namun pukulan, benturan pada bagian - bagian vital tersebut dapat menimbulkan efek samping yang dapat membahayakan jiwa...mungkin tidak saat ini..namun bisa jadi diusia yang telah tua...hal tersebut dirasakan.
  Bukannya menakut - nakuti loh...namun bila anda ingin menggeluti dunia olahraga tinju, anda tetap harus memperhatikan dan memberikan perlindungan pada bagian tubuh yang selalu menjadi sasaran empuk ( kepala ). ARTInya..jangan sampai kena pukulan..straight kanan..straight kiri...^_^

 Link berita:

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Boxing in My View

  This afternoon I saw a commercial ad of boxing match on tv. That commercial made me ask myself  "don't we do sports to train and make our body strong and healthy?". Yes we can see the athletes are a strong guy. But how does it feel? being hit by other and hitting other people? is that sport? is that what we call the true masculinity? I guess not. I think this is not the right "thing" of sport.
  Yet it is ironic to see how people love and willing to pay, to watch other people hurting and paralyzing each other. I wonder what they feel when they see it. We can see sometimes boxers get bruised and bloody face after the match and the crowd yelled to show expression and give support. (I appreciate them for supporting the champion, but I'm sure they don't want that bloody face in their faces). So, I think doing this kind of sport is no more than hurting ourselves.
  Maybe some of you get the same thought as me about boxing. I just hope there will be another better sport to do, beside fighting each other.

you see that?

The pics owned by

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Graduation Photo

  This afternoon, Hani my high school friend gave me this photo. The photo of our graduation day.


  This photo's taken in June 23rd 2010. But unfortunately not all of the classmates joined this photo session. So just twenty eight of us. Miss you all guys! for sure!

FYI : For almost a year, and Hani just gave me the photo this afternoon -_- great job Han, hahahaha! by the way thanks for the photo! (Hani seats next to me in the photo).


 Yesterday, was such an exhausting day (at least for some hours). I lost my car key just a few minutes before I left home for campus! the hell for that moment, it happened at the day of my grammar mid-term!
 It was 11.45 when I picked my bag and other stuffs out of my room, and ready to go. Turned off the computer, checked all the doors, prepared the money and so on before I left. On the next second, I realized I hadn't brought my car key. I forgot where the last time I put my car key! At first I tried to calm down when searching for my key, but when the clock showed it's five minutes more to twelve o' clock, my body started sweaty! (you can imagine -_-)
 I was alone at home. My parents were going to hospital, and my bro was in campus. I still couldn't find where the heck my car key is. I texted my mom, and called my bro, asking for it, perhaps they knew. Unfortunately none of them knew where the key is. My brother even asked me back, "it should be on you, so how now?!"
DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!! The mid-test would start at 12.30! and I was still at home! SO HOW NOW! the half-sweaty and miserable me kept search for it, then my cellphone rang. It's mom. "De, have you found it?" "no, still searching". Then I remembered the spare key.
"mom, where did you put the spare key?"
"I'm not sure, but it should be in one of the drawers in my bedroom."
"which drawer??"
"how about the one beside the make up box?"
"try the I remember I put it in a red box."
There are so many drawers and boxes in my mom's room. But finally I got it! (thank you mom!)
  I rushed my car to reach campus as soon as possible, as fast as I could, because it was 12.16 already. I was about entering the main road, and found out there was a traffic jam. Actually it wasn't a really bad traffic jam, the cars were still moved slowly and occasionally  moved as usual. (but for that moment, it feels like hell). I entered the Buah Batu highway, the speed of my car was 120km/hr (pretty cool huh hehe). My heart was beating so fast, I was so worried about the mid-test. But thanks God those MJ's songs gave a little peace to my worry, so I could make my inhale and exhale slowly in a while.
  Arrived at campus. Brought my bag out, wiped my sweat, and ran to the B building. I went upstairs to the third floor. I just reached the third floor, which is the last floor of the building, and this sentence came to my mind "THE TEST IS AT C3.01 ROOM! WHICH IS LOCATED IN C BUILDING!" I was wrong so I had to ran downstairs again and ran to the C building. And of course I had to ran upstairs again to reach the third floor of the building. What a miserable thing!
  So finally yeah I arrived at the right room. I walked in, and took a seat. The test had just started for ten minutes. Alhamdulillah I still could join and do the test well (with a sweaty body and oily face of course). The test was pretty easy (sure?) the lecturer was so kind (haha), and I still could use my clear mind in doing the test. So thanks God for giving me this extraordinary experience, but pleeeeeease never give me this kind of thing anymore.

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Wanted Toys!

Take a look at these:

Nice toys huh!

Those are the newest edition of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers remastered toys. BANDAI has released it at the end of 2009 (yes it's been a year) and I'm dying to collect all of them. I got a really huge passion to buy and collect them, but..but..BUT.. they are not available yet in Indonesia. I've been looking for them in several toy stores in Bandung and still cannot find any. So I hope BANDAI would release them here very very soon.

 To see the commercial ad click the link below:

To see the toy's review by SEANxLONG:

I do not own the pictures and videos.
Sources : Google & Youtube