Senin, 31 Desember 2012

2012: The year of lessons..

This year, even it's not my best year, has been a great year for me. There were a lot of things happened that gave me so many worth lessons. The pain of loosing people and the joy of finding a new family were several moments of my 2012. So here is my own kaleidoscope and let's take a look back of this year!

The year was opened with sad news. My family and I got informed that Om Budi, our long time neighborhood at my old house had passed away last month. He died due to heart attack on Dec 11th but at the time nobody informed it since we had moved to the new house. I will never forget the memories of him. May you rest in peace, Om..

Me and my cousin Putri had a very nice three days trip to Malaysia and Singapore! She asked me to join her campus' program called Education Trip 2012. I got a bunch of new friends too from that trip! :D

With Putri.
Took a pose in front of Merlion statue.

I took a part in the first project as a new protocol officer. It was KPM's birthday party called "Prosperity". At the same month I also took a part in KPM's biggest event of the year, Protocol Fair 2012! Both were tiring but also unforgettable!

The committees and participants of Prosperity.

The committees of Protocol Fair's workshop segment.

I got hospitalized because of dengue fever. I stayed on the hospital for about six days until I got my health recovered.

Visited by my claasbros!

Again, it was a devastating moment in my life that I lost one of my good friends in high school, Niko. His sudden death really shocked many of us. I still cannot believe that he'd gone really soon, but God knows exactly what He does. May you rest in peace Okin (that's what we call him). Thanks for the memories :)

Me and Niko in 2009.

Me and other Promud arranged a gathering in order to celebrate Idul Fitri for all KPM big familiy!

KPM took a part in Unpad's Student Day in Jatinangor campus. We promoted KPM to the new students in that event. There was also a long parade of all students extracurricular!


Preparing before the parade began. It was really a sunny day.

The parade of Korps Protokoler Mahasiswa! :D

I lost another friend of mine. She was my elementary school friend, Hana. We were in the same class from the beginning until we graduated. I got information that she suffered cancer since many years ago. Her battle is finally end. Rest in peace Hana, we always remember you through those beautiful childhood memories :)

In the same month, we held an open recruitment for new KPM members. The recruitment is called "Ekspektasi". We did expect for the brilliant new comers to be a part of KPM. The event was amazing since we got a lot of new experiences and friends from it!

For the first time my big family came all together to have a surprise for Mama Haji and Ena's birthday. Stupid me that I just realized their birthdays were only one day different to each other. So, since it was Mama Haji's 70 we decided to arrange a surprise for both of them!

We had a blast!

December 30th was my birthday and some of my friends really got me surprised. Big big thanks by the way! hehehe ;)

  A little surprise from Nisa and Deliar. Thanks guys!

And thanks to Kiky for making this silly yet funny picture! hahahha! Amen for the wishes :D

A year goes so fast. I'm very grateful for those moments which have their own lessons. This year is different that I learned so many things and discovered many new experiences. 2013 is coming and I hope I can do every thing better in the next year. So happy new year folks!!

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

20th !

Last December 30th I turned 20! wew that old? hahahahaha... it's been wonderful years, and I'm so grateful for the 20th. And thanks btw to my big family for the surprise! :D

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

So Long Om Budi...... :'(

Di awal tahun 2012 ini gue dan keluarga langsung dirundung kesedihan. Pagi tadi, gue baru aja dapet berita duka. Ya, berita duka, duka banget. Om Budi, tetangga depan rumah lama gue yang udah belasan tahun tetanggaan sama keluarga gue ternyata udah meninggal. Gue dapet kabar dari kakang yang kebetulan lagi ke rumah rahayu (rumah lama) buat ngambilin sisa barang-barang. Awalnya dia ga tau, tapi setelah beres ngangkut-ngangkut barang, satpam yang kebetulan ikut ngebantuin ngasih tau kalo om Budi udah meninggal dua minggu yang lalu! Keluarga gue bener-bener ga tau karena ga ada yang ngabarin sama sekali sebelumnya. Ya Allah, begitu dapet sms gue kaget banget, ga nyangka bener :((

Kita udah tetanggaan kurang lebih lima belas tahun dari 1995 sampe 2010 kemaren sebelum akhirnya gue pindah ke Buah Batu. Rumah beliau tepat di depan rumah gue. Banyak kenangan yang masih sangat nempel di kepala gue sampe sekarang, kayak misalnya gue inget dulu jaman gue masih SD kadang-kadang suka nungguin di rumahnya pas pulang sekolah kalo kebetulan di rumah ga ada orang. Gue juga sering nebeng mobilnya om Budi kalo mau berangkat sekolah, begitupun pas pulangnya. Beberapa kali papasan di jalan terus gue diajak bareng pulang ke rumah. Gue juga masih inget om Budi kalo maghrib-maghrib suka nongkrong depan rumahnya sambil ngerokok, nyantai, ngadem sore-sore. Dan satu hal yang paling gue inget, om Budi itu setiap hari sebelum berangkat kerja suka ngajak anak-anaknya yang masih kecil keliling komplek dulu sebelum pergi ke kantor, dan itu bener-bener dilakukan setiap hari, rutin. Bukan kalo kebetulan lagi ada waktu luang aja. He was a really really kind man, and a good father in my opinion.

Now, he's gone :( Om Budi meninggal karena serangan jantung mendadak tanggal 7 Desember malam yang lalu. Beliau meninggal di usia 50, dan dimakamkan empat hari berikutnya tanggal 11 Desember 2011.

So long om Budi........ I will never forget your kindness, your wisdom, and the memories. Thank you for everything, and may you rest in peace :')